Top U.S. Secrets

Top U.S. Secrets

Top U.S. Secrets Maura Cunningham, Rock The Street, Wall Street “How many times have you heard people, particularly girls, say, ‘I hate math’? Have you ever heard people say, ‘I hate English’?” Maura Cunningham In this video from MarketsWiki Education’s World of...
Are We Reliving History?

Are We Reliving History?

Are We Reliving History? Dave Weisberger, ViableMkts “The important thing to understand about crypto is it’s polymorphic… meaning that the same thing can be an investment,… it can be a commodity… or it can be a currency.” Dave Weisberger Did you know that when bitcoin...
How is Bitcoin Like a Motorboat?

How is Bitcoin Like a Motorboat?

How is Bitcoin Like a Motorboat? Gary DeWaal – Katten Muchin Rosenman “When the government seizes a boat or a house or a car, they auction it off. When the government seizes illegal narcotics – cocaine, heroin you name it – they don’t auction it off to the...
From Corporate Red Tape to Liberated Entrepreneur

From Corporate Red Tape to Liberated Entrepreneur

From Corporate Red Tape to Liberated Entrepreneur Ralf Roth, Quantitative Brokers “Growth … really comes from change. So if you look at when I was in the fixed income business and people were using HP calculators to interpolate their yields – if we’d stuck with that,...